Prepared for Next Disease X with EpiShuttle E-learning!
Uncertainty during the pandemic
Wired to fear the unknown, humans find uncertainty exhausting and nerve-racking. Whether it is a global health pandemic, worrying levels of inflation, or the geopolitical threat from the war in Ukraine. Travel restrictions and very limited access to health care facilities during the pandemic have severely limited EpiGuard’s ability to meet physically and communicate with customers.
However, uncertainty and opportunity are two sides of the same coin. That fact encouraged us to adapt and manage future uncertainty by developing something different, something unknown to us.
The challenge – Better prepared for the future
Beginning in 2018, EpiGuard began offering a two-day live training workshop on-site at our customers’ facilities. The workshops are led by paramedics with many years of practical experience with transport of infectious patients. We believe that this training has been crucial for increasing familiarity and comfort with the EpiShuttle and that it saved lives during the pandemic.
During the pandemic, however, live training workshops were impossible. We quickly invested in a top-quality video conferencing system and delivered the same training workshops virtually. These were mostly well received, and we saved cost and time on travel, but it was difficult to recreate the hands-on learning experience from physical workshops. At the same time, we saw that there were elements of the workshop that were in fact very well suited to online learning.
The solution – EpiShuttle E-learning!
With these experiences fresh in our minds, EpiGuard is delighted to announce the launch of the new EpiShuttle E-learning course!
Our team has been working incredibly hard to develop a user experience that makes it far easier for EpiShuttle users and other healthcare professionals who may interact with the EpiShuttle to get the information they need. All course modules are written by experts in patient transport, and include quick quizzes, interactive tools, and extra sources to maximize the user experience. Users can participate in the training anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace.
After completing this course, every participant will be better prepared to plan and handle the transport of infectious and vulnerable patients in the EpiShuttle. They will be better prepared for emergency situations and more confident in using the EpiShuttle in the most efficient and safest way possible.
E-learning is an important supplement to our comprehensive training offering – the EpiTraining – which includes workshops, live exercises, patient case discussions, hands-on experience, individual learning, and sharing of best practices. All EpiShuttle users are advised to participate in all trainings to improve patient outcomes and their own safety.

Preparedness is key!
No one knows what’s around the corner. There could be an even deadlier Disease X, and we must be prepared. Observing Covid-19 pandemic, we have learned that equipped, trained, and experienced healthcare professionals make the entire healthcare system more efficient and saves more lives.
Therefore, emergency preparedness and practical experience with lifesaving technology are crucial for uncertainties that the future holds!