New Epiguard ceo – michael eimstad
It’s been an exciting summer at EpiGuard, with the launch of our new e-Learning platform and the appointment of our new CEO, Michael Eimstad, who is taking over from Ellen Cathrine Andersen.
After three fast-paced and successful years in the lead, we are sorry to see Ellen go but we are looking forward to the next chapters and excited to have Michael as the new CEO. Michael has been with EpiGuard for more than four years and brings a deep knowledge of the company and the sector to the table.
Can you tell us about your background?
I’m Norwegian and have lived in Norway for most of the last 20 years. But I grew up and had my entire education in the US – which has certainly formed my outlook and attitude. I hold a BSc in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA, both from Cornell University. After a short stint working as an engineer, I have spent my entire career working on commercialization of emerging, interesting, and important technologies, including everything from electric cars, car sharing solutions, and now the best transport isolation solution on the market. I have been working in EpiGuard since 2017, with my last role as VP Sales and Marketing. Now I am happy to take on my new role as CEO.

What makes EpiGuard unique?
Its people and the expertise we can offer to our customers.
We really pride ourselves of our very diverse team, which provides unique insights and varied experiences to inform our strategies. Our 12 full-time employees’ ages vary from 25-57 and we come from nine different countries. English is our corporate language, but the company can communicate in 13 different languages worldwide.
But the core of everything we do is to work to ensure the safety of health care professionals. EpiGuard is built on extensive knowledge of medical transport of infectious and vulnerable patients. The team is always working to expand and deepen that knowledge through research and dialogue with our customers. That’s why we have committed to design and deliver training solutions that go far beyond traditional product information. For the last few years, our paramedics have held two-day training workshops as far afield as Australia, Singapore, Norway, Belgium, UK and Ireland, Uganda, Peru, and Canada. These are hands-on workshops with simulation exercises and physical exploration of the EpiShuttle under the guidance of experienced trainers. In addition to that, our newly launched e-Learning platform is designed to provide individual and flexible training for EpiShuttle users.
These are tools not only for making sure that EpiShuttle expertise is made available to users, but also for us to gather feedback and constantly improve ourselves.

How is the market changing and growing for EpiGuard and EpiShuttle?
Pandemic preparedness is now taken more seriously. This realization is reflected in more initiatives and larger investments into preparedness for the next pandemic. Being able to isolate and transport patients to where ICU capacity is available is a critical factor in keeping death tolls at a minimum and healthcare systems functioning during an outbreak.
The demand for the EpiShuttle has only increased over the last two years. Having delivered to militaries, hospital, ambulance services, and air ambulance companies in over 30 countries has raised awareness that the EpiShuttle provides a better way to transport patients.
In particular, there are two major market segments where we see real growth opportunities. First, the military sector, with which we have been working closely during the past few years. Now, the growing concern for an escalation of the Russian invasion call for military investments. We have state military, coalitions and military technology providers reaching out to us more now than ever before, especially within the CBRNe area of use.
Second, we see western countries coming to the belated realization that they must invest in preparedness for diseases that they previously thought did not concern them. This includes Lassa fever and Monkeypox, which is the most recent public health emergency of international concern. In fact, the EpiShuttle was used to transport a patient suspected of having contracted Monkeypox.
What is your vision for EpiGuard going forward?
In EpiGuard we have a shared vision of being internationally recognized as the leading experts on safe isolation and transportation of infectious and vulnerable patients – by saving one and protecting everyone.
To achieve our goal of zero healthcare professionals contaminated on the job, we are looking at increasing EpiShuttle implementation geographically and across sectors, but most importantly we are expanding into the professional arenas defining the future of isolation and transport.
Due to our background and competence of our team, we are invited in to define the best practice of our field of expertise. We are doing so by participating in projects like NO FEAR (Network of practitioners for emergency medical systems and critical care), as well as by constantly creating and disseminating knowledge on safe infectious and vulnerable patients transport through EpiTraining, customer feedback, and market research.
As we already have started doing with the launch of our e-Learning platform, we are also looking into expanding our portfolio with more products, as well as into taking part in more international projects.