EpiGuard’s first time in Japan: Showcasing the EpiShuttle for Global Preparedness
There are EpiShuttles present in over 30 countries, but not yet in Japan. After three years of researching the market, setting up virtual demos, translating documents and participating to online business events, our team finally had the chance to come to Japan in person. There they showcased the EpiShuttle at two events. First, a dedicated two-day demo event in Kyoto, hosted in collaboration with ATR, Kyoto Overseas Business Centre and the Kyoto Prefecture. After that, our Michael and Sofia were at 2023 DSEI in Tokyo to meet with representatives from the Japanese self-defense forces and their industrial partners as well as other military representatives from all over the globe.
EpiShuttle was showcased for the first time in Japan at a two-day demonstration in Kyoto and DSEI Japan
On March 7th and 8th, we had the opportunity to meet representatives from Kyoto Tachibana University, Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto Daiichi Red Cross Hospital and several stakeholders in academia, business and civil society from the Kyoto region. This was all possible thanks to the efforts of ATR Tokyo. While we were graciously hosted by Kyoto Overseas Business Centre in Kyoto Keizai Centre, we had a chance to present and discuss the EpiShuttle and its capabilities in the Japanese ecosystem. We also had the opportunity to visit the university facilities, learn about their equipment standard as well as understand the procedures used that would incorporate the EpiShuttle for best addressing patient isolation transport. The insights gained from Kyoto will help us best incorporate the EpiShuttle into the existing systems in place in Japan.

DSEI Japan followed – the EpiTeam was at Makuhari Messe, Tokyo, for three days to showcase EpiShuttle. DSEI Japan 2023 focused on the global defence industry, with the aim of supporting the sourcing of the latest equipment and systems, developing international relationships and generating new business opportunities and partnerships. Just at the end of last year, Japanese authorities approved a staggering 26.3 percent year-over-year increase in Japan’s 2023 defense budget, which sets the expectation for a dramatic increase of Japan’s engagement with external partners.

EpiGuard is looking forward to bringing EpiShuttle to Japan: national preparedness is global preparedness
As the most advanced and reliable transportation isolator on the market, EpiShuttle is trusted by several militaries globally as a tool against CBRN events. Military customers see EpiShuttle as a key element to guarantee the protection of personnel from warfare agents and build up their preparedness system. It was a natural step for EpiGuard to present at DSEI Japan and gather feedback from Japanese military representatives as well as visitors from other countries. The turnout was even greater than expected, and so was the positive feedback gathered. With prospective customers and partners, we discussed EpiShuttle applications ranging from air rescue to naval, EMS and firefighting.
When we set out for two weeks of travel to the Land of the Rising Sun, we were confident of the potential of our solution and the quality of our offer, but we met even greater enthusiasm and interest than expected. This trip gave us first-hand proof that Japan understands the need for a better solution for safe transport of infectious patients, and the solution is EpiShuttle.
We got a lot of valuable feedback from paramedics, disaster preparedness managers, JMOD colonels and Doctor Heli operators. We gained insight into the complexities of the Japanese healthcare and disaster response network. It is great to see that Japan shares EpiGuard’s interest in promoting preparedness. With the opportunities that arose from our trip showcasing the EpiShuttle we are looking forward to capitalizing on them in the coming years in Japan.